Authorized Parking Only

Parking of unauthorized vehicles on private property has become a problem for property owners. As a result, The City of London has a By-law to allow for ticketing of vehicles on private property under certain criteria. In accordance with City of London Traffic and Parking By-laws P.S. 111, Part 8.
Enforcement of this portion of the By-law can be accomplished by enrolling in the program utilizing existing uses the City resources (Parking Enforcement Officers).
Why is the Private Property Parking Enforcement Program needed?
To adjust the existing towing regulations so that property owners could have illegally parked vehicles more readily towed from their properties; and/or
To amend the City Of London Traffic & Parking By-law to allow ticketing of illegally parked vehicles on private property.
What are the Requirements?
The owner/occupant must sign a written consent application to allow ticketing on private property, and will be registered and held on file with the City Clerk. There must be signs erected at each entrance and within the authorized parking area on to the property, clearly indicating the parking regulations. Fire Routes are required under the Ontario Building Code to provide proper access for fire trucks and emergency vehicles. If your property has a fire route access it a necessary to ensure that is meets all requirements.
Is there a fee to enrol in program? There is no fee to enrol in the program. The owner/occupant would be responsible for the manufacturing and installation of the signs based on standards set out by the city.
Who can issue Penalty Notices? Enforcement of the Private Property Parking by-law uses existing City enforcement resources (Parking Enforcement Officers).
How to Apply? Contact the Parking Office with the following information:
• Name of the contact person
• Phone Number
• Property Address